2020 has been a testing year for Lebanese businesses and entrepreneurs, with each passing day becoming more and more challenging with numerous hardships coming along the way. Let us change that uncertainty and make it a year of growth by learning and working together to contribute to Lebanon’s recovery.
Bloom launched the Lebanese Growth Accelerator program that supports 50 high potential enterprises. Spread across four months, LGA will help grow your business with project-based methodology, world-class support and fresh funds.

Remember Why You Started?
Despite how difficult things are around us, remember why you started that project that you were doing? Remember that spark of genius, that passion, that gut feeling that made you want to swim against the current? We want to harness that spark and help you fulfill the vision and potential that you envisioned for your business.
Take action now and allow your enterprise to have the impact you had always visualized it having. Reflect on what your goals are for your business. What’s the big picture? What outcome are you seeking? Commit to that goal, and allow us to support you in reaching the vision you have for your company!
Dare to grow, dare to dream, and be confident in the power you have to do something incredible in and for Lebanon.
Getting you there through training, collaboration and networks
LGA will be running two rounds of accelerator cycles, plus partnering with other ecosystem players for an additional 6 cycles of acceleration programs. LGA’s goal is to support more collaboration and co-learning opportunities for enterprises, accelerators, and others in the ecosystem, both during and beyond the duration of this program.
What’s the schedule?
The general schedule for the first cycle of acceleration is:
- Applications Open: February 8th, 2021
- Open House Events: Feb 15 - Feb 26th
- Application Deadline: March 5th
- Sprint: March 15 - 26th
- Accelerator: April 5th - July 23rd
What do you benefit from?
LGA is offering training, mentorship, business support, and a financial grant of $10,000 in fresh funds. It is almost entirely remote and online, so it is accessible to companies across Lebanon. LGA will provide you with the tools, resources and methodology to overcome the challenges. You will make those ideas a reality.
This program is implemented with support from The European Regional Development and Protection Programme for Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq (RDPP II).
Let this be a year of growth and learning. By helping these enterprises LGA’s aim is to boost economic development and job creation and allow you to adapt in these changing circumstances instead of being stifled by them. We all have a spark that can create worlds even in the most difficult of times.
The program is supported by key partners who are important contributors to the local and regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, including Alfanar, antwork, Beirut Digital District, makesense, Globivest, MIT Enterprise Forum, and LabneandFacts.
For more information: www.bloom.pm/programs/lebanon-growth-accelerator, www.bloom.pm, www.instagram.com/bloomemea,
Contact Bloom at lga@bloom.pm
Bloom runs high-quality online entrepreneurship, social enterprise, and skill development programs, including our Pitchworthy startup & SME programs. (Bloom is an affiliate of AltCity, a registered non-profit based in Lebanon.)